Top Habits You Should Never Do In Your Car

Apr 22, 2020

There are habits that can put you in harm’s way especially if you're doing any of the following bad habits in your car.

We do most of our habits subconsciously. That means that we may end up doing some things without our full attention but just because our body is used to doing it. For example, if you like to chew on your nails whenever you think, you may end up doing this even in public places.

That to you may be okay. but to others, this may be unhygienic. There are also habits that can put you in harm’s way. An example is using your phone while walking or crossing the street, which can be life-threatening. This can also be the case if you have any of the following bad habits in your car. Check out with

In-Car Habits that Needs to Be Stopped Immediately

1. Eating While Driving

While sucking on a candy or two is completely fine, finishing a whole meal could be dangerous while driving. Eating requires attention from the driver especially if he’s eating a full meal. Eating a burger, tacos, or even chips, for example, needs concentration to eat properly so he doesn’t make a mess in the car.

However, this is a major no-no. If you’d recall what every driving instructor would say, driving requires your full attention. You may also not be able to react immediately to dangerous situations.

This is especially true if you have one hand holding onto your burrito or chips. You would need both hands to make quick decisions and apply them to the steering wheel. You can also be in danger of choking. If you try to eat your food too fast you may have a hard time swallowing.

>>> Related: Is it Okay to Eat in Your Car? And How to Clean Food Scraps?

Driving eating in the car

Eating requires attention from the driver especially if he’s eating a full meal

2. Changing Gears Immediately

People’s lifestyles today are faster than ever. One moment we wake up. The next, we’re getting ready for work. But just because we’re always in a hurry doesn’t mean we could use this as an excuse to manifest bad habits.

When maneuvering your vehicle out of the garage, make sure you go easy on it. By that, we mean to let the vehicle come to a halt after you’ve reversed it before putting the transmission on “drive”.

This may not seem to do any changes today. But continuously pursuing this bad habit, you are actually putting more strain on your vehicle than necessary. It may not immediately affect your vehicle but in the long run, it will make your transmission wear out faster. That means you will have to get your transmission system checked out sooner.

>>> Related: 6 myths and truths bout automatic transmission cars

Driver shifting the gear

When maneuvering your vehicle out of the garage, make sure you go easy on it.

3. Turning Up the Volume

Now turning up the music may seem like a fun and adventurous thing to do. After all, it is featured in almost every movie out there where you can see cars as part of the props. However, this bad habit doesn’t actually cut it in reality.

If you turn the music up too much, it may cloud other sounds that you need to hear to stay safe on the road. You may not be able to tell whether ambulances need a path. You can even be deaf to the sound of your blind spot warning system if the music is too loud.

Asides from that, developing this type of habit can also be detrimental to your health. Listening to music to the same loud volume every time can damage your hearing. The worst-case scenario here is irreparable eardrums.

Turning the volume up

If you turn the music up too much, it may cloud other sounds that you need to hear to stay safe

4. Putting Your Feet Up the Dash

Ah, the comfort of putting one’s feet up the dash. If you took a rest from driving, wouldn’t this be a relaxing way to nap? But then again, this could also be your one-way ticket to heaven. Because if you get caught in a car accident like a car crash, chances are it won’t be pretty. Depending on the accident, who knows where you may end up.

Aside from that, putting your feet up may also be uncomfortable for seat belts. So some people may also decide not to put them on. Always sit up straight against the car seat. Put on your seat belt and tilt the seat if you need to rest.

Put on the dashboard

Putting one’s feet up the dash could also be their one-way ticket to heaven. 

5. Ignore the Warning Lights

The warning lights on your dashboard are there for a reason. They aren’t there for aesthetic purposes. Because if they were, they are certainly not aesthetic enough. That’s why you need to pay attention to them regardless if you’re driving or not. A particularly important warning light is the Check Engine Light. When this lights up, you better prepare yourself.

This can be an early sign that an imminent high-cost repair is coming your way. Though this can also be a life (and wallet) saver if you detected the problem early. After all, the engine is one of the most expensive parts of your vehicle.

>>> Related: Car Dashboard Lights – What Do They Mean?

Dashboard light

The warning lights on your dashboard are there for a reason.

6. Getting Into Arguments

If you’ve ever been in an argument, you know that it messes up with your head. The extreme emotion of rage and irritation can cloud your decision making. This is the last thing that you would even need to experience while driving. The task requires your full attention with minimum to no distractions.

>>> Related: How Emotions can Affect your Driving and Tips to Avoid Getting Carried Away with it

Being angry while driving is bad enough. Being in an argument and trying to come up with rebuttals is a whole new way to get your thoughts all over the place. Not only that, but emotional arguments can also make you think of crazy ideas. This can also decrease your reaction time on the potential road hazards that may suddenly appear.

Source: Hanna Miel Sanchez