5 Things Every Driver Should Know About Driving and Cars

Dec 17, 2018

Keep reading and find out which they are!

To be able to be considered a true driver, you must know these 5 things we have listed in this article from Philcarmews.com. Keep them in mind and in heart all the time and you’ll be on your way into becoming a good driver in the Philippines giving importance to the safety of everyone.

1. Be well educated about your car

Caring for your car guarantees you that it will function well. Many of the car breakdowns happen due to drivers that neglect the routine maintenance of the car. To prevent being in unfortunate events, it would be best to be familiar with these tips:

  • Remember that having a maintenance schedule is important
  • Pump gas
  • Know how to assess the coolant and also its brake fluid
  • Jump-starting the car
  • Check and change the oil
  • Know how and when to evaluate tire condition and pumping or gauging air whenever necessary

man fixing a car's engine

Remember that regular car check-up an maintenance is important

Being knowledgeable where the tools such as jack, spare tire, lug wrench are and of course how to utilize them is an advantage. Also, understanding of your car on a personal level means that you know its condition and parts by heart. With this information, you certainly won’t be dumbfounded on the road. You know, you see drivers falling asleep while driving, because they don’t assess their alertness first, or those who don’t check their car’s condition and drive with minimal fuel or battery.

There are times that accidents happen no matter how responsible you are. It would be best to keep some emergency items in your car at all times for use in such unwanted situations. Practice makes perfect. So get out there and drive, keeping in mind safety first.

  • Your cell phone (but don’t use them while driving!)
  • List of emergency numbers or numbers of colleagues you can call when needed
  • Important cards associated with car insurance
  • Basic car tools every driver should have them
  • Medical or first aid items/kit
  • Water and food that will not make a mess on your car
  • Flashlight for light and make sure batteries work

2. Be mindful of other people driving in the highway

You’ll encounter tons of other drivers with different personalities. Being aware of them means that you also have to uphold your integrity when driving. Don’t beat the red light, before crossing makes sure all intersections are clear. Always be aware of your surroundings while driving.

Cars in the reflection of a car's side mirror

Keep in mind that you are not the only driver on the road. You'll encounter other drivers with different personalities.

Maintain distance from others. Follow the three seconds rule or you should be able to see the plate number of the car in front of you so you will have more reaction time. Don’t tailgate someone. If someone, on the other hand, is tailgating you, don't panic, just let them pass. If they begin to make threats, don’t respond with anger. Turn the other cheek, understand that maybe they are just stressed or simply don’t stoop down to their level.

Mirrors are there for a very important reason – always check them. Check your car's rearview every 7 seconds. It might be confusing and overwhelming at first but with time and more driving experience, you’ll get the hang of it and it will be a good habit that’s hard to break.

3. Safety tips for driving

Let us give you some tips for being a safe driver. We understand these skills don’t build themselves overnight and thus need to be developed:

First is try not to violate any traffic law, this is like the “rule of the thumb”. This includes the most popular ones that we hear even when we are young such as wearing seatbelts, following the speed limit, and so on…

Second is to avoid distractions. If you are only starting on driving, it's a good idea to avoid having too many passengers. Driving with your friends can alter your focus and attitude towards driving. You might be tempted to impress them with fast driving skills or want to entertain them by singing or talking too much. Be honest! You would do that, right? 

Woman eating while driving

Avoid distraction when driving; that includes foods and gadgets

Other things that can distract any you as the driver includes the cell phone either by texting or having a video/audio call. Makeup, sipping a cup of hot or even cold coffee. Multi-tasking is a NO-NO when it comes to driving!

Lastly, you need to be alert at all times. This is pretty self-explanatory but it is oftentimes overlooked. Several factors affect alertness such as mental ability, physical health, rest, the list can go on. Be sure you are in good mood before getting behind the wheels.

4. Remember your limits

With minimal experience in driving, it just makes sense to be more cautious on your first few drives. You may witness people close to you doing all the risky or unlawful things while behind the wheels and don’t be like them. For a driver who doesn't have a lot of experience on the road yet that kind of behavior can be more dangerous.

If you think you’re not fit to drive then just don’t do it. If you feel tired, take a rest first. If you have been drinking, stay or have someone drive for you. Call your family to pick you up or something. 

Before you start driving in the dark, when reduced visibility makes driving even more dangerous, make sure you have that thing called daytime driving down. Stay on the roads that you are already familiar with so you won’t be lost. 

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Sleepy driver

Do not drive when you're sleepy, tired or drunk. It is an indication that you are not fit to drive

5. The heart of a car

The car’s engine is the heart of a car. Without it, your car is just another advanced metal box on the roadside. The primary purpose of the car engine is to convert gas into motion so that your car can move or as elementary physics would say it or articulate, to convert chemical energy into a kinetic energy through the gearbox and finally to the wheels or tires.

Red car's engine

It is every driver's responsibility to maintain their car and the car's engine in good shape

By the end of the day, it is the car’s engine that makes a car perform its crucial intent of moving you from point X to Y. It is a vital importance that all driver must make sure that the engine is in good shape.

Source: Hanna Miel Sanchez