It is very important to know what transmission is so that you can easily know the sign and symptoms that may occur if there is a problem.
A vehicle contains a lot of different parts that contribute to a good performance. Some of these parts you may already know about while some you may not. One of the most important parts of your car is the transmission.
We will tackle the different signs of a blown transmission that you need to know about
It enables your car to keep moving. It is the one responsible for transferring the power from the engine into the wheels of a car. This is just the simple definition of what transmission is but there are still a lot more you need to know about it including the dangers and problems that can happen with it.
Thus, it is very essential to have regular service on your transmission. In this article, we will tackle the different signs of a blown transmission that you need to know about.
First, it is very important to know what transmission is so that you can easily know the sign and symptoms that may occur if there is a problem.
The transmission is a part of a vehicle that assists you to change speeds easily. It is a gearbox that consists of gear trains and gears to provide conversion of torque and speed.
The transmission is a part of a vehicle that assists you to change speeds easily
When a certain gear is chosen, the transmission will vary the power needed to be feed to the engine. This is the same for both kinds of transmission; manual or automatic. Both transmissions do the exact thing.
Now that you know the meaning of transmission, let us now focus on the main subject of this article from How will you know if you have a problem regarding your car’s transmission? Here are some of the most common signs you need to know about.
You can see this on the garage floor or the roadway. If it is minimal only or not visible to be notified, there are ways to check it. Place cardboard or a sturdy paper under your vehicle after you park it at night.
If the cardboard has stained in the morning, you can see whether it is transmission fluid or oil. In any case that you are not sure what the liquid was, bring the cardboard or paper to a mechanic. They can confirm if the leak is a transmission fluid or not.
You can see stain or leaks on the garage floor or the roadway
When you hear an unusual sound or noise in any part of your car, it is best to have it consulted with your mechanic. It is a serious problem if the transmission is going out.
At first, you may not notice it easily because it only makes a buzzing or whining sound. If you are in doubt, always have the mechanic check it, especially the transmission. You can prevent the problem from becoming worse if you act as soon as possible.
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When you hear an unusual noise in any part of your car, it is best to have it consulted with your mechanic
You should have no difficulty in changing gears. Unresponsive gears could be a sign of a leak of transmission fluid. This could be a serious issue and needs to be addressed sooner.
Unresponsive gears could be a sign of a leak of transmission fluid
Overheated transmission fluid may cause an abnormal smell like something is burning. A low amount of fluid could also cause the same event. If you experience this, immediately pull over and cool down your car.
You can also buy an ATF (automatic transmission fluid) at the nearest auto parts or gas station. Top off this fluid into your transmission. Moreover, it is best to visit your mechanic and have your transmission check.
If you do not take action immediately, you may need to pay an expensive replacement or rebuild later on.
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Overheated transmission fluid may cause an abnormal smell like something is burning
It is easy to tell if your gears are grinding in a manual transmission. The noise can be heard and you can feel that the gears are sticking together. You may need to replace your clutch.
On the other hand, you can hear a grating sound if it is an automatic transmission. You probably know this sound if you’ve grated gears before when using a manual car.
If you hear irregular sounds when your car is in neutral, check it. There may have some problems under the hood. Adding a new transmission fluid can often solve this problem.
If it continues even after adding, visit your mechanic and consult with them on what you should do. Let them check the condition of your transmission.
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This event is also called slippage. Your car behaves like when it is on snow or ice. Your motor is operating but the car is not responding. Slippage disturbs the ability of your transmission to propel your car. Don’t ignore this issue because it can lead to permanent immobility of your car.
Slippage disturbs the ability of your transmission to propel your car
It is probable to feel the overheating of transmission inside your vehicle. The heat will come from the passenger compartment if you are using a car that is rear-wheel drive. The heat passes through the car’s bottom.
This happens since the transmission will transfer heat and power along the vehicle’s length into the rear wheels.
On the other hand, you will feel the heat between the passenger seat and driver seat on front-wheel vehicles. If you experience one of these, you must take action immediately and sort this thing out. Visit your mechanic and fix the problem.
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It is probable to feel the overheating of transmission inside your vehicle
These are some of the most common signs and symptoms you need to know about when it comes to blown transmission. Once you notice one of the signs discussed, have the mechanic check it.
Immediate action also will prevent further damage to your car and your wallet. If you don’t take action as soon as possible, your transmission can no longer be repaired but you may have to have it rebuilt.
Repair costs may vary because it depends on the problem or extent of damage that happens into your car. Thus, you need to do regular and proper maintenance of your car to prevent this from happening.
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