5 telltale signs indicating the need to replace the damper

Aug 17, 2018

Car dampers need to be replaced when worn out, damaged or leaked.

Shock absorber must work continuously and smoothly during the operation of the car. Typically, the car damper will be weakened when the car runs from 48,000 to 64,000 km. The issue of damper leaking and losing its shock-absorbing effect when a car runs on poor road conditions is quite common in a country with bad traffic conditions as the Philippines.

Car dampers need to be replaced when worn out, damaged or leaked. Leakage is easily visible to the naked eye, but wear is less noticeable. So, when you think that you need to have a new suspension for the car, it’s highly possible that you should have changed it a long time ago. To avoid the risk of damaging the damper, you should pay attention to the following hints:

1. The car nosedives when braking

It is necessary to check the suspension as soon as your car has these symptoms. A worn damper can be a cause for concern. The car nosediving or trembling in turning could reduce your ability to control steering, which can be dangerous to you, especially on slippery roads.

A car nosediving

The car nosediving or trembling in turning could reduce your ability to control steering

2. Vibration

When vibration is sensed clearly through the steering wheel, be aware when driving at high speed. A well-functioning car damper will keep the wheels in optimum contact with the road surface and will not create such vibrations. Check the suspension to perform repairs as soon as possible.

3. Car slippage and deviation

Are your vehicles slipping and deviating on the road even in light winds? This is probably a warning sign of a faulty shock absorber.

4. The car trembling badly on the road

The role of the suspension is to absorb vibration to help the car operate more smoothly. If your car trembles more than normal as you drive on bumpy roads with many potholes, the first reason you should think of is that there is a problem with the suspension.

A car trembling badly on the road i

The car trembling badly on the road is a clear sign of a problematic suspension

5. Uneven tire wear

When checking the car tires, if you notice uneven tire wear, you should also consider the damper. Uneven tire wear is synonymous with poor traction. This responsibility belongs to the shock absorber. Be sure to check and replace immediately to ensure your car always operates smoothly and safely on all roads.

Uneven tire wear

When checking the car tires, if you notice uneven tire wear, you should also consider the damper