5 car models used around the world as patrol cars

Feb 14, 2019

Check out to know top 5 of the most common models of cars used as patrol cars around the world.

Patrol cars are one of the important tools of every police officer who should always be ready for the chase. Whether it’s a million-dollar bank heist or an over speeding driver that can harm pedestrians, every country has an allotted budget to provide cars and vehicles for their police officers.

Although you may see some epic-looking vehicles on TV in every car chase, sometimes we can really be doubtful if a million-dollar car would actually be used by a government somewhere to chase down red-light runners and hand out speed tickets. Well, to give you something to be amazed about, take a look at these patrol cars from other parts of the world brought to you by Philcarnews.com.

1. Lamborghini Huracan' LP-640

First up, we have the Lamborghini Huracan LP-640 and can you guess what country keeps stunning units like these as their police cars? Well, if you guessed any other country asides from Italy, then you’re wrong.

You might think that they’re only keeping these for special occasions and for showing off, but these fancy units are actually used to get down and dirty on any highway if the situation calls for it. Lambos are known to be manufactured like the fast predators of South Africa, and this is the reason why they are great interceptors on the road.

Here are a few more details about this car that will cost you a ticket if you’re caught:

  • It has a 7-speed gearbox in an automatic transmission.
  • The engine is capable of unleashing 640 horsepower at 8,000rpm
  • Being the show-off coupe that it is, it can only accommodate 2 people – the driver and one passenger

Lamborghini Huracan LP-640 police car

The Lamborghini Huracan LP-640 is used as a police car in Italy

2. Dodge Charger Pursuit Special

If you’ve ever played the particular car racing game wherein there’s always a possibility of a police chase, then you might be familiar with this vehicle though you’ve never known its name. The Dodge Charger is used in the United States as a very intimidating patrol car that withstands both long and fast chases as well as getting in a collision against a normal sedan.

If you are one critical offender on the loose, then you’re most likely to encounter these patrol cars blocking your assumed path along with road spikes. Here are other details you might want to know about this bulky vehicle:

  • The body is constructed out of steel hence it’s the strong capability to withstand getting hit.
  • It is also available in the all-wheel drivetrain, just in case you wanted to take the chase to the hills.
  • It is also built with anti-lock disk brakes that sum up the whole powerful and stronghold-like package.

Dodge charger pursuit patrol car

The Dodge Charger is used in the United States as a very intimidating patrol car that withstands both long and fast chases as well as getting in a collision against a normal sedan

3. McLaren MP4-12C

Are you familiar with the saying “Work until, for you, Dubai is cheap”? Well, you would definitely need to save up on a pretty, snappy car if you want to outrun their highway patrol.

You might also just follow the regulating laws and rules if you don’t want to receive a speeding ticket; especially if you know that your car isn’t fast enough to lose their McLaren MP4-12-equipped police force. If you’re going to be road tripping in Dubai, make sure you’re ready to get caught by this mean highway engine.

  • This McLaren model’s chassis is made from carbon fiber composite. So it’s lighter and more aerodynamic than most other luxury cars in the market.
  • It is equipped with a twin-turbocharged engine under the V8 category.
  • It can generate horsepower measured at 592. That’s about 7,500 rotations per minute.

McLaren police car

Dubai has McLaren MP4-12-equipped police force

4. Porsche 911

If you’re not driving a Porsche 911 in Germany as a patrol car, are you even a police patrol in Germany? Who would’ve thought that this coveted car that most people would polish and care for so much would roam the streets and highways chasing run away antagonists in everyday life in Germany? Certainly not us.

Like most of the other cars in this list, the Porsche 911 only allows two people to occupy the cabin. This must be to ensure minimum weight obstruction for faster travel on the ground. Too bad for this specification though, because even though you’re caught by this road sentinel, looks like you have slim chances of getting a ride even with handcuffs on.

Check out what other features that this customized road hawk has to offer before it was even associated with the local police.

  • For a choice of a police car, the Germans really chose one that offered a surround sound system that’s crafted by the masters in the field. We bet this is great for playing your favorite tunes while in a high-speed chase.
  • This car is actually built by Porsche as a perfect racecar for the track, but Germany found a more fulfilling use or it.
  • The model is built with twin turbochargers with 3.0 liters engine capacity.


Porsche 911

The Porsche 911 is used as a patrol car in Germany


The United States definitely has budget for their law committee as a single unit of this MRAP is miles and miles away from being cheap. The name MRAP actually stands for Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected, and they can withstand small to moderate explosions as well as ambushes.

Now, you might be wondering what an explosion-proof vehicle be doing guarding the highways of United States, but maybe they are just safeguarding the freedom of their citizens for all we know. The production of Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles has been long ended way back in the year 2012, but for some reason one of the most powerful countries in the world started producing them again – for highway patrol purposes.

Here are a few more trivia about the MRAP that we thought you’d like to know:

  • The MRAP was actually categorized as a light, armor vehicle. Yup, it’s not a car, not a truck but a soldier’s ally in the warzone.
  • They were originally designed to deliver troops to the warzone because there was a time before when soldiers would die from landmines and ambushes before they even reached the battlefield.
  • The MRAP is available in three categories: namely MRAP MRUV which is smaller for urban engagements, the MRAP JERRV is for leading convoys, acting as ambulance and combat engineering and the last one is the Force Protection Buffalo MRV, this is used like a minesweeper to clear away possible landmines.



The MRAP was actually categorized as a light, armor vehicle

Although you may see some epic-looking vehicles on TV in every car chase, sometimes we can really be doubtful if a million-dollar car would actually be used by a government somewhere to chase down red-light runners and hand out speed tickets. Well, to give you something to be amazed about, take a look at these patrol cars from other parts of the world brought to you by Philcarnews.com.

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Source: Hanna Miel Sanchez